Monday, November 25, 2013

Hi there!

I have finally created a blog for myself (again) and hopefully this time I will be faithful to this space and write type more, if possible, about motherhood, my boys, parenting style, food, travelogue and maybe some reviews about all kinds of products that I have been using AND... maybe my pregnancy journey for baby #3 in the near future! 

If you are reading this, you may be wondering why I.M.A.G.E.? Well, I shall keep you in suspense for now because I.M.A.G.E. holds a deep meaning to me and I shall dedicate a post for it, soon. 

As for now, just a little introduction about myself.

I'm a Singaporean in my twenties and a proud mother of 2 cheerful boys, Aden and Gibson. Aden is four, and Gibson is one year old.

I always dream of the days when both of them are grown up and have their gfs or family that I can tour around the world with my dear hubby. Then again, when I look at my one year old now, exploring and learning new things, walking and falls now clumsily, yearning for my hugs every day and learning to say "Mama", or when I look at Aden, though this is the stage of "horrible 4", I enjoy conversing with him and many times the things that he says amuses me, all these make me wish I could stop the clock forever because children are the cutest at these stages! Talk about life is an irony uh?

Anyway, don't expect perfect English from me, well, 'cos I am a Singaporean lar!

So watch this space! I will be back!


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