Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The Chewies would like to wish everyone a very happy merry christmas!

Luke 1:14 "And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth." 



(And happy one month old to this blog!)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Just a quick update!


It's my FAVORITE month of the year! YAYYYY!!

I was away last week in Hong Kong with my family and we had loads of fun! Though it was tiring bringing two kids to overseas, I really think that hub and I are good team mates! Overall, I think we managed the boys well, that's partly because the boys are pretty adaptable to new environments and also because we have very good family bonds. Kudos to darling hub for being an awesome father to the boys!!

The weather was awesome and the food was great! We almost wanted to extend for another few more days! Well, we didn't lar. Anyway, both hub and I are Gemini and we do have history of doing things impromptu-ly (if there's such a word). Like the last trip to Australia Perth was a sudden one for the family. We booked the air tickets and hotel the day before we flew! Friends and relatives were surprised and taken aback by us. Oh well, 2 Gemini, you're in for surprises!

Both of us always say that if we do not have kids in our lives, we would be flying here and there and everywhere every few months. Then again, I'm thankful for the gifts from God. They are truly our blessings!

Oh, just sorted out the pictures and I will be posting some in my next entry. Til then...

Love :)